{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_content %}
{% sw_include '@HuebertAccessoriesDirectlyBundling/storefront/page/product-detail/hueb-bundle-view.html.twig' ignore missing %}
<div class="huebert-direct-accessories-block my-4" data-add-accessory="true">
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_head %}
{% if page.crossSellings.elements|length > 0 %}
{% for crossSelling in page.crossSellings.elements %}{% if not break %}
{% if crossSelling.crossSelling.display == "everywhere" or crossSelling.crossSelling.display == "pluginOnly" or not crossSelling.crossSelling.display %}
<div class="h3">
{% if page.product.customFields.huebert_accessory_directly_title %}
{{ page.product.translated.customFields.huebert_accessory_directly_title|sw_sanitize }}
{% elseif not page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.showHeadline %}
{{ "huebert-acessories-directly.product-detail.accessory-headline"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{% endif %}
{% if page.product.customFields.huebert_accessory_directly_subtitle %}
{{ page.product.translated.customFields.huebert_accessory_directly_subtitle|sw_sanitize }}
{% elseif not page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.showDescription %}
{{ "huebert-acessories-directly.product-detail.accessory-text"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{% endif %}
{% set break = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_elements %}
<div class="accordion" id="accessoryAccordion">
{% for crossSelling in page.crossSellings.elements %}
{% if crossSelling.crossSelling.display == "everywhere" or crossSelling.crossSelling.display == "pluginOnly" or crossSelling.crossSelling.display == "accessoriesOnly" or ( not crossSelling.crossSelling.display and not crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle) %}
{% set products = crossSelling.products.elements %}
<div class="card">
{% set sameQuantityAsMainProduct = crossSelling.crossSelling.sameQuantityAsMainProduct %}
{# {% if crossSelling.crossSelling.selectableAmount === true %}#}
{# {% if sameQuantityAsMainProduct === null or sameQuantityAsMainProduct === false %}#}
{# <input type="hidden" name="same-and-selectable" class="same-and-selectable">#}
{# {% else %}#}
{# <input type="hidden" name="same-quantity" class="same-quantity-input" value="1">#}
{# <input type="hidden" name="same-and-selectable" class="same-and-selectable" value="1">#}
{# {% endif %}#}
{# {% else %}#}
{# <input type="hidden" name="accessory-quantity-as-main" class="accessory-quantity-as-main" value="1">#}
{# <input type="hidden" name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][sameQuantity]" value="1">#}
{# <input type="hidden" name="same-and-selectable" class="same-and-selectable">#}
{# {% endif %}#}
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_card_header %}
<div class="card-header" id="heading-{{ crossSelling.crossSelling.id }}">
<div style="margin-bottom: -10px" class="row">
<div class="col-lg-8">
<div class="h4">
<button class="btn btn-accordion btn-block text-left collapsed"
data-target="#accessories-{{ crossSelling.crossSelling.id }}">
{% sw_icon 'arrow-head-up' %}{% sw_icon 'arrow-head-down' %} {{ crossSelling.crossSelling.name ?: huebert_load_parent_language_name(crossSelling.crossSelling, context.context) }}
<div class="col-lg-4">
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_bundling %}
{% if crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle %}
{% sw_include '@HuebertAccessoriesDirectlyBundling/storefront/page/product-detail/hueb-bundle-header.html.twig' ignore missing %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_card_body %}
<div id="accessories-{{ crossSelling.crossSelling.id }}" class="collapse {% if page.acessoryOptions.alwaysShow %}show{% endif %}" aria-labelledby="heading-{{ crossSelling.crossSelling.id }}" data-parent="#accessoryAccordion">
<div class="card-body">
{% for product in products %}
{% set huebQuantity = 0 %}
{% for assignedProduct in crossSelling.crossSelling.assignedProducts %}
{% if assignedProduct.productId == product.id %}
{% set huebQuantity = assignedProduct.huebQuantity %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if product.stock >= 0 or (product.isCloseout === false and product.stock <= 0) or product.productConfigurator|length > 0 %}
{% set buyable = product.available and product.childCount <= 0 and product.calculatedMaxPurchase > 0 %}
{% if buyable %}
{% if product.maxPurchase is null %}
{% set mp = 100 %}
{% else %}
{% set mp = product.maxPurchase %}
{% endif %}
{% set accessoryConfig = {
accessory: {
productId: product.id,
minPurchase: product.minPurchase ,
maxPurchase: mp,
purchaseSteps: product.purchaseSteps
} %}
{% set pricing = null %}
{% set pricingTop = null %}
{% set referencePricing = null %}
{% set pricing %}
{#{{% if product.calculatedListingPrice.from.unitPrice != product.calculatedListingPrice.to.unitPrice and product.calculatedPrices|length > 1 %}
{ product.calculatedListingPrice.from.unitPrice|currency }}
{{ product.calculatedListingPrice.to.unitPrice|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{% set pricingTop = product.calculatedListingPrice.to.unitPrice %}
{% if product.calculatedListingPrice.from.referencePrice.price %}
{% set referencePricing %}
({{ product.calculatedListingPrice.from.referencePrice.price|currency }}
{{ product.calculatedListingPrice.to.referencePrice.price|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }} / {{ product.calculatedListingPrice.from.referencePrice.referenceUnit }} {{ product.calculatedListingPrice.from.referencePrice.unitName }})
{% endset %}
{% endif %}#}
{% if product.calculatedPrices|length > 1 %}
{% set priceFrom = product.calculatedPrices|last %}
{% set priceTo = product.calculatedPrices|first %}
{% set loopPrice = product.calculatedPrices|first.unitPrice %}
{% for element in product.calculatedPrices %}
{% if element.unitPrice <= loopPrice %}
{% set priceFrom = element %}
{% elseif element.unitPrice > loopPrice %}
{% set priceTo = element %}
{% endif %}
{% set loopPrice = element.unitPrice %}
{% endfor %}
{{ priceFrom.unitPrice|currency }}
{{ priceTo.unitPrice|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{% set pricingTop = priceTo.unitPrice|currency %}
{% if priceFrom.referencePrice.price %}
{% set referencePricing %}
({{ priceFrom.referencePrice.price|currency }}
{{ priceTo.referencePrice.price|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }} / {{ priceFrom.referencePrice.referenceUnit }} {{ priceFrom.referencePrice.unitName }})
{% endset %}
{% endif %}
{% elseif product.calculatedPrices|length == 1 %}
{{ product.calculatedPrices.first.unitPrice|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{% set pricingTop = product.calculatedPrices.first.unitPrice %}
{% if product.calculatedPrices.first.referencePrice.price %}
{% set referencePricing %}
({{ product.calculatedPrices.first.referencePrice.price|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }} / {{ product.calculatedPrices.first.referencePrice.referenceUnit }} {{ product.calculatedPrices.first.referencePrice.unitName }})
{% endset %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ product.calculatedPrice.unitPrice|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{# {% if product.calculatedPrice.listPrice.percentage > 0 %}#}
{# <span class="list-price">#}
{# {{ product.calculatedPrice.listPrice.price|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }}#}
{# </span>#}
{# {% endif %}#}
{% set pricingTop = product.calculatedPrice.unitPrice %}
{% if product.calculatedPrice.referencePrice.price %}
{% set referencePricing %}
({{ product.calculatedPrice.referencePrice.price|currency }}{{ "general.star"|trans|sw_sanitize }} / {{ product.calculatedPrice.referencePrice.referenceUnit }} {{ product.calculatedPrice.referencePrice.unitName }})
{% endset %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endset %}
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view %}
{% set cover = product.cover.media %}
{% set displayMode = 'minimal' %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-10" %}
{% if page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.accessoryViewStatic %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-6" %}
{% if config('HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.globalSelectableAmount') == '0' %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-" %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if config('HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.globalSelectableAmount') == '0' %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-9" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle %}
{% set viewClass = "col-8" %}
{% endif %}
{% set selectableAmount = crossSelling.crossSelling.selectableAmount %}
{% if selectableAmount == 0 %}
{% set selectableAmount = false %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-10" %}
{% endif %}
{% if selectableAmount == 1 %}
{% set selectableAmount = true %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-7" %}
{% endif %}
{% if config('HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.globalSelectableAmount') == '0' %}
{% set selectableAmount = false %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-10" %}
{% endif %}
{% if config('HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.globalSelectableAmount') == '1' %}
{% set selectableAmount = true %}
{% set viewClass = "col-xs-12 col-lg-9" %}
{% endif %}
<div class="huebert-accessory {% if selectableAmount %}hue-selectableAmount{% else %}hue-checkbox{% endif %}" data-product-id="{{ product.id }}" data-cross-selling-id="{{ crossSelling.crossSelling.id }}">
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view_hover %}
{% if page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.accessoryViewHover and cover.url %}
<div class="huebert-accessory-hover">
{% set attributes = {
'class': 'product-image is-'~displayMode,
'alt': (cover.translated.alt ?: name),
'title': (cover.translated.title ?: name)
} %}
{% if displayMode == 'cover' or displayMode == 'contain' %}
{% set attributes = attributes|merge({ 'data-object-fit': displayMode }) %}
{% endif %}
{% sw_thumbnails 'product-image-thumbnails' with {
media: cover,
sizes: {
'xs': '501px',
'sm': '315px',
'md': '427px',
'lg': '333px',
'xl': '284px'
} %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
<div class="row my-2">
<div class="{% if selectableAmount %}col-lg-3{% else %}col-lg-2{% endif %} p-lg-0">
<div class="row">
{% if page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.accessoryViewStatic %}
<div style="padding: 0;" class="col-2 viewport-small">
{{ block('hueb_accessories_accordion_view_thumbnail') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-12">
{% if selectableAmount == 1 %}
<div class="viewport-small">
{{ block('hueb_accessories_accordion_view_product_info') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="row">
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view_amount %}
{% if not crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle %}
<div class="{% if selectableAmount %}col-8 col-sm-4 col-lg-12 pr-lg-0 {% else %}checkbox-mobile-wrapper col-lg-12{% endif %}">
<div class="input-group huebert-accessory_input-wrapper {{ not selectableAmount ? 'huebert-checkbox' }}" data-huebert-add-accessory-config="{{ accessoryConfig|json_encode }}" data-huebert-pricing="{{ pricingTop }}">
{% if selectableAmount %}
{% if sameQuantityAsMainProduct is same as(null) or sameQuantityAsMainProduct is same as(false) %}
<div class="input-group-prepend">
<button type="button"
class="input-group-text quantity-dn"
>{% sw_icon 'minus-circle' %}
<span class="sr-only">{{ "huebert-acessories-directly.product-detail.button.minus"|trans|sw_sanitize }}</span>
<input class="form-control accessory-quantity" type="text" placeholder="0" name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][quantity]" aria-label="{{ product.translated.name }} quantity" {% if sameQuantityAsMainProduct %}disabled{% endif %}>
<div class="input-group-append">
<button type="button"
class="input-group-text quantity-up"
>{% sw_icon 'plus-circle' %}
<span class="sr-only">{{ "huebert-acessories-directly.product-detail.button.plus"|trans|sw_sanitize }}</span>
<input type="hidden" name="same-and-selectable" class="same-and-selectable">
{% else %}
<div class="form-control same-quantity border-0"><span class="same-quantity-as-main">1</span> x</div>
<input type="hidden" name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][quantity]" class="accessory-quantity">
<input type="hidden" name="same-quantity" class="same-quantity-input" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="same-and-selectable" class="same-and-selectable" value="1">
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<input type="hidden" name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][quantity]" class="accessory-quantity">
<input type="checkbox" class="accessory-checkbox">
<input type="hidden" name="accessory-quantity-as-main" class="accessory-quantity-as-main" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][sameQuantity]" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="same-and-selectable" class="same-and-selectable">
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="col-2">
<div style="width: 50px" class="input-group hueb-accessories-bundle-quantity" data-huebert-add-accessory-config="{{ accessoryConfig|json_encode }}" data-huebert-pricing="{{ pricingTop }}">
<input readonly="readonly" class="form-control accessory-quantity" value="{{ huebQuantity }}" autocomplete="off" name="lineItems[{{ product.id }}][quantity]" aria-label="{{ product.translated.name }} quantity">
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if selectableAmount == 0 %}
<div class="viewport-small hue-product-title">
{{ block('hueb_accessories_accordion_view_product_info') }}
{% endif %}
<div class="col-4 viewport-small no-pad hue-price-wrapper">
{{ block('hueb_accessories_accordion_view_product_price') }}
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view_product %}
<div class="{{ viewClass }} viewport-default hue-title-price">
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view_product_info %}
<a href="{{ seoUrl('frontend.detail.page', {'productId': product.id}) }}" data-modal-class="quickview-modal"
class="" data-toggle="modal"
data-url="{{ seoUrl('widgets.quickview.minimal', {'productId': product.id}) }}"
title="{{ product.translated.name }}"
{% if product.customFields.huebert_accessory_directly_customtext %}
{{ product.customFields.huebert_accessory_directly_customtext }}
{% else %}
{{ product.translated.name }}
{% endif %}
{% if product.productConfigurator|length <=0 or page.acessoryOptions.activateVariants == false or crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle %}
<div class="product-variant-characteristics huebert-accessory_variants">
<div class="product-variant-characteristics-text">
{% for variation in product.variation %}
{{ variation.group }}:
<span class="product-variant-characteristics-option">
{{ variation.option }}
{% if product.variation|last != variation %}
{{ " | " }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view_product_price %}
{% if product.productConfigurator|length <=0 or page.acessoryOptions.activateVariants == false or crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle %}
<div class="product-price huebert-accessory_pricing">
{{ "huebert-acessories-directly.product-detail.accessory-price"|trans(
{'%price%': pricing}
)|sw_sanitize }}
{% if page.acessoryOptions.showUnits%}
{% if product.purchaseUnit %}
{% block buy_widget_price_unit %}
<div class="product-detail-price-unit">
{% block buy_widget_price_unit_label %}
<span class="price-unit-label">
{{ "detail.priceUnitName"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
{% endblock %}
{% block buy_widget_price_unit_content %}
<span class="price-unit-content">
{{ product.purchaseUnit }} {{ product.unit.name }} {{ referencePricing }}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if referencePricing %}
{# <div class="product-detail-price-unit huebert-accessory_pricing-reference">#}
{# <span class="price-unit-label">#}
{# {{ "detail.priceUnitName"|trans|sw_sanitize }}#}
{# </span>#}
{# <span class="price-unit-content">#}
{# {{ product.calculatedPrice.referencePrice.purchaseUnit }} {{ product.calculatedPrice.referencePrice.unitName }}#}
{# </span>#}
{# <span class="price-unit-reference-content">#}
{# {{ referencePricing }}#}
{# </span>#}
{# </div>#}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if (page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.showDelivery and product.productConfigurator|length <= 0) or (page.acessoryOptions.activateVariants == false and page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.showDelivery) %}
<div class="{% if selectableAmount %}col-lg-3{% else %}col-lg-2{% endif %}"></div>
<div class="{% if selectableAmount %}col-lg-9{% else %}col-lg-10{% endif %} huebert-acessory_deliveryTime">
{% if product.availableStock >= product.minPurchase and product.deliveryTime %}
<p class="delivery-information">
<span class="delivery-status-indicator bg-success"></span>
{{ "detail.deliveryTimeAvailable"|trans({
'%name%': product.deliveryTime.translation('name')
})|sw_sanitize }}
<input type="hidden" class="stock-huebert" value="">
{% elseif product.isCloseout and product.availableStock < product.minPurchase %}
<p class="delivery-information">
<span class="delivery-status-indicator bg-danger"></span>
{{ "detail.soldOut"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
<input type="hidden" class="stock-huebert" value="true">
{% elseif product.availableStock < product.minPurchase and product.deliveryTime and product.restockTime %}
<p class="delivery-information">
<span class="delivery-status-indicator bg-warning"></span>
{{ "detail.deliveryTimeRestock"|trans({
'%count%': product.restockTime,
'%restockTime%': product.restockTime,
'%name%': product.deliveryTime.translation('name')
})|sw_sanitize }}
<input type="hidden" class="stock-huebert" value="">
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% if page.HuebertAccessoriesDirectly.config.accessoryViewStatic %}
<div class="col-lg-2 viewport-default thumbnails-view">
{% block hueb_accessories_accordion_view_thumbnail %}
{% if cover.url %}
{% set attributes = {
'class': 'product-image is-'~displayMode,
'alt': (cover.translated.alt ?: name),
'title': (cover.translated.title ?: name)
} %}
{% if displayMode == 'cover' or displayMode == 'contain' %}
{% set attributes = attributes|merge({ 'data-object-fit': displayMode }) %}
{% endif %}
{% sw_thumbnails 'product-image-thumbnails' with {
media: cover,
sizes: {
'xs': '501px',
'sm': '315px',
'md': '427px',
'lg': '333px',
'xl': '284px'
} %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if not crossSelling.crossSelling.huebBundle %}
<div class="row">
<div class="{% if selectableAmount %}col-lg-3{% else %}col-lg-2{% endif %}"></div>
<div class="{% if selectableAmount %}col-lg-9{% else %}col-lg-10{% endif %} product-configurator-variants">
{% block page_product_detail_configurator_include %}
{% if page.acessoryOptions.activateVariants %}
{% if product.parentId and product.productConfigurator|length > 0 %}
<div class="product-detail-configurator-container">
{% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/configurator-cross-selling.html.twig'
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
<input type="hidden" class="generated-variant"value="">
<input type="hidden" class="stock-huebert" value="">
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}